On Friday, the 28th of April, from 6 pm onwards, an unruly event will take place at Temporary Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art in Cologne: a long evening and night of live performances, poetry, stories, music, dance, drinks and food.
The event will commence at 6pm with an intimate reading performance by Liz Rosenfeld. (This act has limited seating, please be on time.) Liz Rosenfeld invites listeners to lie back and get comfortable, while encountering an intimate sonic experience where Rosenfeld performs a live reading of their text, "This Should Happen Here More Often: All My (w)Holes and All My Folds of Cruising."
Through the engagement of individual headsets, listeners are invited to experience this work alone while also being together in time and space, evoking the feeling of cruising, where one navigates how one wants to be seen, observes, engages and disengages. Through a meeting of experimental, auto-fiction and poetic textual practice, Rosenfeld invites the audience to jump into the narrative of how cruising has been an integral part of their interdisciplinary artistic practice and personal life for over two decades, while also reflecting on the erotic potentialities of bodies, and how desire is the driving force across Rosenfeld's work.
We will drift into the night with readings, performances and music, carried by participants of the Unruly Kinships exhibition and selected contributions from an open call for the Festival of Feelings. The selection commitee consisted of Meryem Erkus, Anbid Zaman, Kris Dittel and Aneta Rostkowska.
On Sunday 30 April we invite everyone to a seminar and conversation with Alva Gotby, author of the book “They Call it Love. The politics of emotional reproduction” (Verso, 2023). During the event we will discuss othermothering, informal economies, queer reproduction and radical politics of friendship. More information can be found here.
Festival of Feelings is the closing event of the exhibition Unruly Kinships. More information about the exhibition can be found here.
Rory Pilgrim: The Undercurrent, film still, 2019-ongoing
Pauline Curnier Jardin & the Feelgood Cooperative: Vatican, 2023
Clementine Edwards: rice huisje, work-in-progress, 2023
Funding and support:
Mondriaan Fund
Stiftung Kunstfonds and NEUSTART KULTUR
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kunststiftung NRW
Creative Europe
With the kind support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kulturamt der Stadt Köln
Deltax contemporary
Hotel Chelsea
The event is part of a larger endeavor called "Islands of Kinship: A Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions”, in which CCA Temporary Gallery works with six international partner institutions: Jindrich Chalupecky Society (Prague), Latvian Center for Contemporary Art (Riga), Frame Contemporary Art Finland (Helsinki), Julius Koller Society (Bratislava), Faculty of things that can't be learned (Skopje) and Stroom den Haag (The Hague). Islands of Kinship is co-funded by the EU Program Creative Europe.