Dear Friends and Follower,
In the last 15 years katzeundkrieg presented ca. 180 performances in public spaces. Some of them are documented in photos and videos, many aren’t however. What is left are memories of the audience together with emotions and thoughts accompanying them. For the coming solo exhibition at the CCA Temporary Gallery we are collecting memories from previous performances of katzeundkrieg. We would like to present them in the exhibition in Cologne.
Would you like to share with us a memory from a performance that you attended? If yes, please write to It can be a text, an image, a photo you made, a subjective account of one of the performances, an emotional state, an audiorecord.
Here is a list of performances to aid your memory:
näher, Distanz aber nah, playing around, harem, auf dem geparden, raus, Maria, Josef und der Esel, in der Firma, auf der Straße, wirklich sehen, im Wald, PerformanceKunstGallery, Money. Experience. Satisfaction. Now., release your inner animality, how to become deeply cool, wir wollen überleben, in Allem Gold, wenn die Sonne untergeht, bevor wir sterben how to be a good artist, ein roadtrip ins totale Leben
We are waiting for your accounts until 11th of September.
katze und krieg